Thursday, 15 November 2007

I'm a PR guru, get me in there

So, Lynne Franks – self-styled PR guru – has entered the Australian jungle in this year’s ever-popular ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’. Initial arguments with the world’s first supermodel and uber-cosmetically-enhanced Janice Dickinson have made excellent viewing and headlines across the country.

Laying herself open to the snakes, spiders, assorted animal appendages nd Ant and Dec’s comedy links, Lynne has perhaps – more so than most PRs are prepared to – opened her true self up to the world.

No-one that I can remember (bearing in mind I watch a LOT of them) has ever left a reality show championing its honest portrayal of their inner beauty. The vast majority become acutely aware of their myriad personality flaws and how they frequently clash with their fellow contestants. Lynne Franks, as a PR practitioner of some years knows all too well, managing a client’s messages is a powerful way of ensuring their target audiences understand their product or service and choose to buy from or engage with that company.

Revealing your most intimate self on national television would certainly go against mine – and I’m sure many other PR professional’s – advice. Once you reveal all, it’s a long and slow road back to discretion and control. When advising clients in handling media interviews and liaising with journalists I encourage a strict adherence to key messages and ‘brand identity’ while incorporating as much personality, personal interest and ‘colour’ to ensure a journalist takes on the story. Ticking off a list of the important points and taking a lead in an interview means clients receive positive coverage and their messages reach their target audiences.

Lynne’s latest incarnation is as a ‘lifestyle guru and visionary’- offering the world advice on the changes is today’s and tomorrow’s world as well as encouraging and supporting women in enterprise. Admirable aims and no doubt her raised profile will allow her a louder voice in getting out those messages. But it puzzles me that someone who is so tuned in to the workings of international media, the merry-go-round of our modern-day celebrity circus show and how to orchestrate and manage all of that would throw themselves into the lion’s den so willingly.

I look forward to being proven wrong by Lynne Franks as she succeeds in accomplishing a win-win from her rumble in the jungle. Her spats with Janice Dickinson – and the consequent negative media interest – may reveal otherwise.


Anonymous said...

I just wonder what Lynne Franks's entrance into the jungle will do for the PR industry. We already have an unfair image portrayed of us as champagne guzzling socialites (like Ab Fab) do we need to be thought of as reality TC show addicts as well!

David Child said...

Good point Mark. Though I think that Lynne Franks' behaviour actually contradicts most people's expecations - certainly I can't imagine Edina walking so willingly into the jungle.

And yes, our industry does suffer from a poor reputation. Not something that is helped by the lack of accountability displayed by unscrupulous agencies.

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